My art is composed of many different elements. I sit in meditation to channel beautiful images by hand and then use my skills as a graphic artist to create energetically infused prints. I work with the artistry and voice of nature to combine different herbal elements in order to compose delicious herbal harmonic tea blends that balance and harmonise the energetic spectrum of the physical body. I teach the art of this connection to nature through my cosmic tea parties, and enable the “lights to turn on” as these innate connections are made in the atmosphere of these gatherings.
Through a divine spiritual connection that anchored when I was in India two years ago, I have been composing harmonic elixirs that combine the divine scents of nature to create exquisite energetic oil blends that work to accelerate the process of ascension that we are undergoing – both personally and collectively.
And most recently, I am anchoring the final stages of the light body technology that has been the foundation of my work for nearly 30 years; Now offering the teachings of this innate body technology in a practical, effortless and fun way that upgrades the physical body and allows us to begin to harness and utilize our 5th dimensional gifts.
For more than 30 years MaYanya has had a busy Practice in SACRED PSYCHOLOGY which involves a combination of her high-level intuitive ability, integrated spiritual wisdom, and energetic healing. She hails from a lineage of intuitive seers, healers and mystics. She is available for Skype sessions and one-on-one consultations by appointment on
We are now selling MaYanya's delicious range of organic herbal harmonic teas and harmonic elixirs
In this fun and informative gathering, MaYanya shows you how to connect to the voice of nature and remember how to feel the notes held in growing plants; that combine to create harmonies of healing for the 12 systems of the physical body. “This is natures medicine in a cup of tea, and when you understand how the body is designed to respond effortlessly to the wisdom held in the living growing things on the planet, you’ll never look at a bunch of rosemary the same way again!” We touch on energy and frequency and everyone gets to participate in an energetic activation that will have you “blown away” by the power that you hold within you. Teas available for purchase at the Studio.
Session: 1.5 hours
Cost: $25
Are you ready for the next level of your light body activation? This course is for those energy workers and star seeds that are ready for the next level of their own evolutionary consciousness to be “switched on” and connected to the Universal Halo. Sounds like Sci Fi, but as they say, Truth is stranger than Fiction and in this course, MaYanya takes you through a Halo Activation and teaches you how to access you own halo for the purposes of healing and other 5th dimensional light body technologies. You’ll be shown many of the ancient wisdom techniques that have been eliminated from our consciousness through a strategically designed plan to make us forget this innate and powerful technology that we have had within us all along. It's fun, and active and there’s participation, practice and group interaction. Comes with a workbook!
Capacity: 12 participants
Duration: 3 weeks
Session: 1.5 hours
Cost: $150
This course is designed to connect you with your galactic counterpart and teach you to strengthen your connection to this heightened and gifted part of yourself. We utilise the harmonic elixirs to activate the Pineal Gland – opening up into your cosmic awareness effortlessly and gently. Anything goes in these high-level activations, and we often go on a cosmic vision quest together through the Pineal Gateway, or do some higher planetary work for the Earth and Humanity. This course is an opportunity for you to step into a much larger aspect of yourself and you can have conversations in these groups that you’ve never dared to have before, as you realise that we are all space cadets on an earth journey, meeting our star family and understanding our place in this amazing “Play of Light on the Cosmic Mirror.”
Capacity: 12 participants
Duration: 3 weeks
Session: 1.5 hours
Cost: $130
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Salt Space Yoga Studio